Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Here's The Scoop from room 12

Today is another hot day in room 12. It's Wednesday September 11 2013  the temperature says it's  86 right now. The hardest part about being in school when it's hot is we will sweat a lot and we will be in a hot room and we may be able to go to the computer lab because its cold in the computer lab and that's the only place that's cold in the whole school building.And this week we will be taking two district tests in Reading and Math. I think I did great on the tests and I tried my best to get an A on both tests so I will see when I get it back. And we have also been reading Maniac Magee. The best part of the book so far is when Maniac kept on hitting the baseballs from Mcnab and Mcnab is the best player on that field  and Maniac even hit the frog ball and then Mcnab got very mad at him. I really didn't like it when I get a hard paper and get d's and f's so my mom will make me do them over until I get them right. We have been working on plot character and setting while reading Maniac Magee. Plot is like the main idea of the story. Character is the person or animal in the story. Setting is where the story takes place. We will be taking Test on September 25th. I am sure I will ACE the test.....

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